Make it mandatory for new users to agree to terms and conditions before signing up

I got a question from an AppGini user on how to make it a requirement for users to check an ‘I agree’ box when they sign up to AppGini — possibly as part of GDPR compliance, or to agree to some other terms and conditions. We do plan to add support for this as part […]

Displaying count of child records on the tab title

AppGini supports displaying a list of child records in the detail view of the parent record. For example, here is the detail view of an employee record from the online Northwind demo: (Ignore the weird cartoons for now!) So … It would be nice if the count of subordinates is displayed on the ‘Subordinates’ tab, […]

Hiding the nicedit component from a page

AppGini uses nicedit Javascript component for displaying rich text areas, where users can enter formatted input. You might wish to hide/show the rich editor in an AppGini page, or in one of your custom pages. This can be done using JavaScript code. To hide nicedit components in a page:

To show nicedit components:


How to hide a field in child table view?

In many cases, your application might have a child table, like this: Let’s say we want to hide the Company and Open columns from that child table. You can add a CSS rule to hide specific columns from the child table. In the generated hooks/footer-extras.php, add code similar to this:

In the above code, […]

How to allow numbers only in a field?

Let’s say you have a numeric field, maybe a price, a score or some other field that should contain numbers only. If you set the data type of the field in AppGini (or in your database) to be numeric (INT, DECIMAL, FLOAT … etc) that would allow only numbers to be stored in the database. […]