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I have been using AppGini for a while now, and it has been a fantastic experience for me. AppGini has allowed me to do everything I need to manage my Sign and Gravestone business. When I first learnt to use AppGini, I thoroughly enjoyed pretending I was a programmer. Since I first "programmed" my application, I have just been using it without any further changes.

I have an old PHP/MySQL contacts data base that I downloaded and have been using for quite a few years with about a 1000 contacts. I had no idea how to change or customize it because I only used a small part of the whole thing, and any changes I tried never worked. Today, I decided to try importing only the fields I needed from my old application into AppGini. The process was so easy to understand, it took me only a few minutes and I can now use it in my existing AppGini application.

I am just so happy for discovering AppGini, I feel so empowered to have my own personal "Genie" to answer all my business tracking questions, thanks very much to you Ahmad and the team.

Ken Anklovitch, Peppermint Signs

I have invested in several "PHP App generation tools" for quite some time (+15 years) and I have gone through several known ones with some good, bad and worst experiences. (Yes I have gone through PHPMaker or ScriptArtist and please, do not talk to me about ScriptCase in which I spent a lot of money & resources, just this license was an initial +$400 plus $100/year support plan not counting some $300 for each upgrade!), So I can tell you that none had struck me in a good sense like AppGini did.

I had been an AppGini owner/user/follower since the early versions 4 (2012/2013) and I loved it's concept since the beginning. Clean, Fast, Easy to understand and to modify. And the latest version 5.60 is a refreshment of the nice original concept.

Jorge Papadopolo

Lately, I've been testing many demo versions of web-based tools that claim to enable non-technical users to quickly develop flexible Internet applications without writing any code - a very disappointing marathon, I must say...

But then I came across AppGini and I'm amazed! It is definitely the best product I've tested so far. It's the most comprehensive, intuitive and blazing fast. Also, I found it very easy to configure, and the output forms are beautifully designed.

I'm an English teacher here in Brazil, which means it's a bit pricy for me right now, but I am definitely going to buy it when I have the money. Congratulations on building such a great tool. I will most definitely recommend it.

Warmest regards.

JC Carmo

I used AppGini to build a web based tool for a friend. He uses the tool to track jobs, customers, expenses and employees. AppGini allowed me to complete the whole project in a few hours. That's true rapid application development.

John Gordon, Florida.

I've just downloaded the new version of Appgini and it is great. I have used it since its early versions and was surprised to see how many new great features (such as user groups) this version has. I am actually good with php and MySQL but I still like to use Appgini because of the development speed. Keep up the good work will be sure to purchase all future versions too.

Ron M.

I was just beginning to learn PHP when I had the very good fortune to find AppGini. AppGini has allowed me to create sophisticated databases that are easily customizable to maintain the look and feel of my client's site. The customer support is phenomenal; within 24 hours any question received a clear, comprehensive, workable solution. I would recommend AppGini highly to anyone learning PHP or who wants an easy, low-programming way to provide dynamic content at a very reasonable price.

Kate Cell

We needed an app developed to track points for an employee wellness initiative. I had just a few days to create the site and the application to accomplish this.

AppGini to the rescue. Because of AppGini, I was able to create the app, tweak it, regenerate it (several times was needed due to the committee seeing the possibilities,) and then publish it successfully in time for 130 employees who opted to participate.

We now have a method for our wellness participants to track their nutrition habits, and exercise points.

With the advanced set of features like filtering and user management, our app is sophisticated enough that the administration of the data is very manageable. And even though some of the participants in our program are not computer gurus (vast majority not) all who have used the score keeping system have reported an ease of use and satisfaction with using it.

Thanks AppGini! We are grateful for you!

Craig Johnson

I have been trying to figure out MySQL/PHP for a long, long time. I found some help and sample code all over the Internet. I ended up with MANY small pieces, but I could not get them work together. 15 minutes after purchasing AppGini, I have a Data Base that WORKS.

Now, I see how it works. Now, I will start to "fine tune".

Thanks ...

Gene Capoferri

I wanted to thank you for making real the possibility of creating fantastic webscripts for folks like me who know php and MySQL well but who are less inclined to code. I love Appgini and I appreciate your providing it a cost that most people can afford!

Best wishes and regards,

Kim Enders

AppGini is a very intuitive piece of software and fantastic for putting PHP/MYSQL applications together quickly and easily. I am delighted with my investment, many thanks.

Bryn Towns

Hi, I would just like to thank you for a great product, and excellent support features (the forum). I can see the purchase of AppGini is the correct decision for me. I shall be recommending it to many clients and friends within the industry.

AppGini enables me to cut costs to clients and offer more free time to open source projects and charity work. Many thanks.


If you're not a programmer and thus need a little help creating that "web to database" interface, believe me, Appgini is a God send! Much to my surprise, the reviews I read on HotScripts about their tech support was right on as well. I've fired several questions their way since I purchased the program and in each case I had a meaningful, thoughtful answer waiting in my e-mail box within 24 hours.

I've been purchasing software for many years, but never have I gotten so much for so little.

Tom Ferris, tsferris at charter dot net

AppGini, It's Genius!

Remember, what was the hardest part in coding your last Web project? I'd bet, you have spent the greatest deal of the development time over creating the database and working out all kinds of data handling scripts. Can you imagine that done in just a few mouse clicks and without ever logging in to the console or opening the MySQL terminal window? – That's basically what we are offered in AppGini, a solution for the rapid development of database-driven applications.

AppGini lets you draw out the data structure of your future project and define the operations that will be performed over that data; simply create a database and name the tables in it, just like if you were to create a new file in Windows Explorer. The application's engine is packed with a handful of algorithms, ready to pick up your database and deliver a professional database-driven Web application at the output. I mean, it's going to be a professional database-driven application, which includes the simultaneous work of multiple users, setting group permissions, easy navigation through data, sorting, searching and advanced filtering, modification, addition and deletion. The look and feel of the application can be quickly adjusted by applying templates and style sheets or adopting a template from your website.

With AppGini, you can forget about or not take the trouble of learning shell scripting languages and focus on your primary business instead.

Alexander Nikolaev

The first item of value I saw right away is the way it lets you interactively design the database identifying entities and relationships and helping to establish an external way of doing foreign keys making sure the types match perfectly between tables. To me, that alone makes this product well worth the money.

The second item of value I saw right away is that it allows you to create a site for administering the content of the database, allowing you to insert or edit data somewhat safely. Of course, if you want validations, those will have to be entered by hand after the application generation takes place. I may be wrong. There may be a way to put in hooks for that, but I haven't gotten deep enough into this program yet to experiment that way.

But, once the database is constructed, I can just pop open NetObjects Fusion or Dreamweaver and do the rest, or I can use the same database description and alter the tables and fields which are displayed or made available for editing and create separate "applications" and then modify them by hand.

Daniel J. Dick

I have bought AppGini recently, because I wanted a MySQL backup for my interactive website I have already used AppGini for the following purposes:

First of all it helped me in learning the coding of PHP interacting with MySQL, which I learned from a couple of books. Reading the source code of the PHP files AppGini created was a great real-life example throughout the learning process. This, of course, is exactly what AppGini is NOT supposed to do, because it is supposed to cut out the programming, but I'm an amateur programmer anyway, so I did learn some tricks ;-)

Second: I used AppGini to fill my empty database with tables... It's awesome!

Third: I now have an incredible handy tool to check whether the outcome of my custom made pages are equal to what would be expected based on the current database contents, which I retrieve using the AppGini pages. This would have taken weeks of programming in my evenings and weekends, if I would have had to build these pages myself.

Fourth: I use AppGini to always have an up-to-date and easily readable structure of my database.

This is just to let you know that AppGini is not only very useful if you want to build database powered sites without any coding... it is a very handy tool if you want to code your own pages too!

Marcel Kreijne

I'm a new user to MySQL and php. I wanted to build a site that would allow me to track donations and requests for a 'gifting' program for women. I looked at several different software programs to track donations but the prices were outrageous and didn't provide everything I needed. As an alternative, I hired a programmer and attempted to explain what I needed, but it was difficult to explain exactly what it was I was trying to achieve. I asked her to take a look at AppGini and offer her thoughts on the program.

I was told it looked like a good software investment, so I immediately purchased it and began setting up the tables. After setting up the tables I needed for my site, it was much easier for my programmer to see exactly what I wanted to do so she could create the customized output pages I needed.

Since AppGini creates the pages to administer my database, I am now able to track donations, requests for assistance and manage all the aspects of my gifting program on a regular basis with little effort. It also saved me a BUNDLE in programmer and software fees! Thanks a million!!

Kim Haas

I congratulate you and your team on the quality of the product and its support.

I am thrilled that I can deliver a high quality application that is user-friendly and feature rich, and all directly from the AppGini generated code. If I want to change something, I make the change in AppGini and reload the files on the server – its quick, and its foolproof. There are no code mods to worry about, and I can safely upgrade when a new version of AppGini becomes available.

Thank you again, from a non-coder.

Glenn Stewart

I'm really enjoying working with your software. I love the fact that I can actually dig into it and play around with the styles etc. I've changed some of the original icons and buttons, along with colors etc. to match our web site.

I now have two fully functioning web apps that should prove to be invaluable to the company.

Keep up the fantastic work your doing and your super quick support.

Jim Smith

I'm a server-side developer, but AppGini was a help even to me in getting a quick 3-table app up and running. No need for tech support, but the pre-sales support was very friendly. Would recommend this to anyone creating a small-medium web app!

Marisa Giancarla

I recently purchased AppGini Professional. I am very pleased with it. Not being a person who can code pages, AppGini has helped me to get together a basic set of screens and accompanying database to help manage my mediation consultancy business. Thanks for such a useful product and I look forward to its continued development.

Douglas Beckwith LLB(Hons) PgDip(BPTC) LLM FRICS, Commercial Arbitrator and Mediator

I will never be able to understand PHP/MYSQL but I can understand little pieces of code when simply explained.

You have created a masterpiece, Ahmad! Appgini allows me to actually feel like an amateur programmer, which for me, is an important part of this experience. I feel a great sense of accomplishment and ownership of my Appgini database. I am very confident my business can grow with Appgini.

Ken Anklovitch, Peppermint Signs

AppGini has allowed me, a former electronics technician, and certainly not a professional programmer, to build a system that my clients love and enables them to list and sell (Spring and Fall) about 350-400 horses.

I could not even have built any of this without AppGini -- so thanks for an affordable and great program, and thanks for over several years now, of helping me when I needed it.

BJ Bell

Do you have a success story or a review about AppGini that you'd like to share with others? Please tell us your thoughts by filling in our contact form.