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Client-side Custom JavaScript Validation Functions

This feature is available in AppGini 24.18 and above.

If you define a JavaScript function with the special name {tablename}_customValidateData (where {tablename} is the name of a table in your app), it will automatically be called during detail view form submission. And if it returns false, the form will not be submitted. You can define custom validation functions in any of the following locations:

A boolean insertMode argument is passed to the function, which indicates the submission purpose as follows:

  • true: submission purpose is to insert a new record.
  • false: submission purpose is to update an existing record.

The function should return a boolean (true or false), which determines whether the form would be submitted or not.

Usage notes

  • Built-in validation functios are still called and processed. So, if your custom validation function returns true while the built-in validation doesn't pass, the form will not be submitted.

  • Before returning false, you should indicate to the user the reason for the failed check. We recommend using the AppGini.modalError() function for that.

  • This function is run in synchronous mode. So if you need to issue an ajax/fetch request during validation, make sure to run it in synchronous mode as well (for example, set async parameter to false if using jQuery.ajax) otherwise it won't be evaluated before form submission.

  • This function runs in the client-side to provide a better user experience during submission, but it can be easily circumvented by the user. You should implement server-side validation as well to enforce data integrity by adding validation checks in hooks/{tablename}.php in the {tablename}_before_insert() and {tablename}_before_update() hook functions.


Let's say we have a table named customers with a phone number field named phone. We want to make sure that the phone number is in the format +1234567890 where + is a required prefix followed by 10 digits. To implement this, add the following code to hooks/orders-dv.js (create it if it doesn't exist):

function customers_customValidateData(insertMode) {
  var phone = $j('#phone').val();
  if(!phone.match(/^\+\d{10}$/)) {
    AppGini.modalError('Phone number must be in the format +1234567890');
    return false;

  return true;