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Shortcut keys in AppGini apps

Shortcut keys are a great way to speed up your work in AppGini-generated applications. They allow you to quickly navigate between different sections of your app, perform common actions, and more. This page provides a reference for the available shortcut keys in AppGini apps.

Shortcut keys can be used in AppGini apps as of AppGini 5.90.

Enabling/disabling shortcut keys

You can enable or disable shortcut keys in your AppGini app in 2 ways:

  1. Press CTRL or SHIFT + F1. This will display a list of available shortcut keys and a toggle button to enable or disable shortcut keys. Click the toggle button to enable or disable shortcut keys.

Shortcut keys popup

  1. Alternatively, you can enable or disable shortcut keys by opening the profile menu (by clicking your username at the top right corner of the page), then clicking the Keyboard shortcuts link. This will open the same popup as above.

Enable/disable shortcut keys

Shortcut keys reference

Note: Unless otherwise specified (1) , pressing the shortcut keys below focuses (highlights) the related link/button (rather than performing the action itself -- this is intended to prevent doing any unintended action by mistake if pressing the wrong shortcut key combination). After a link is focused, you could press ENTER to actually activate the link, TAB to navigate to the next link, or SHIFT + TAB to navigate to the previous link.

(1) Wherever the shortcut listings below mention "instant action" , this is an exception to the above rule, meaning that pressing this particular shortcut keys combination would instantly apply the related action.

General shortcuts available in all pages

  • CTRL or SHIFT + F1 : Display available shortcuts (and enable/disabled shortcut keys).
  • ALT + 0 : Homepage.
  • ALT + 1 to 9 : Open available navigation menus.
  • ALT + M : Import CSV data (if you have permission to).
  • ALT + A : Admin area (if you're signed in as admin).
  • ALT + P : User profile.
  • ALT + P then SHIFT + TAB : Sign out.


  • SHIFT + F2 : Highlight first table group.
  • CTRL + F2 : Highlight the first table link.

Table view

  • ALT + Q : Quick search (type your search then press ENTER ).
  • ALT + SHIFT + Q: Clear quick search (instant action).
  • F2 : same as ALT + Q.
  • SHIFT + F2 : First button in the buttons bar above the table.
  • ALT + F2 : First element in the bottom navigation bar.
  • CTRL + F2 : First record selector checkbox.
    • You can then navigate to other records using CTRL + and CTRL + .
    • Tip: to open the currently highlighted record in the detail view, press TAB then ENTER.
  • ALT + CTRL + S : Select/unselect all records.
  • ALT + CTRL + M : Open More menu.
  • CTRL + : Previous page (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Next page (instant action).

Detail view

  • F2 : First field in form.
  • SHIFT + F2 : First button in the action buttons at the right of the form.
  • CTRL + F2 : First child record.
  • ALT + I: Show/hide admin information menu (if you're signed in as admin).
  • F8 : First child link (from the child links above the detail view form).
  • SHIFT + F8 : First child tab.
  • ALT + F8 : First navigation button in child tab.
  • CTRL + : Previous record (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Next record (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Same as CTRL + .
  • CTRL + : Same as CTRL + .
  • CTRL + ENTER : Save Changes (instant action).
  • ALT + X : Back to table view, discarding any changes made (instant action).

Filters page:

  • F2 : First filter.
  • SHIFT + F2 : Apply filters button.
  • CTRL + ENTER : Apply filters (instant action).
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER : Save and apply filters (instant action).
  • ALT + X : Cancel and go back to table view (instant action).
  • SHIFT + F2 : Print button.
  • ALT + X : Back (instant action).
  • SHIFT + F2 : Print button.
  • SHIFT + F8 : First child tab. You can then press ENTER to expand/collapse children records.
  • ALT + X : Back to detail view (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Previous record's detail view (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Next record's detail view (instant action).
  • CTRL + : Same as CTRL + .
  • CTRL + : Same as CTRL + .

In AppGini 5.91 and above, the shortcuts window includes a link at the bottom that points to this page. This makes it easy for your app users to see a full reference. You can remove this link if desired by adding this line to hooks/footer-extras.php:

<script>_noShortcutsReference = true;</script>