Table properties pane¶
Toolbar > New project¶
Click on this icon to start a new empty project. This is the starting point for any AppGini application. You will have an empty project that contains only an empty database and predefined default styles.
Table properties > Table view title¶
The table view title is the title of the table as it will appear in the pages of the generated PHP application.
Toolbar > Open Project¶
Click on this icon to open a previously saved project.
Toolbar > Save Project¶
Click on this icon to save the currently open project. If you haven't saved your project before, you'll be prompted for a file name and location.
Toolbar > Project Properties¶
Click on this icon to bring the Project Properties area where you can specify the database connection parameters.
Toolbar > Application Theme¶
Click on this icon to preview (and edit) the theme of your application.
Toolbar > New Table¶
Click on this icon to add a new table to your database.
Toolbar > New Field¶
Click on this icon to add a new field to the current table.
Toolbar > Delete Selected Table/Field¶
Click on this icon to remove the highlighted field or table from your database.
Toolbar > Move Table/Field up¶
Click on this icon to move the highlighted field down/up in the current table.
Toolbar > Move Table/Field down¶
Click on this icon to move the highlighted field down/up in the current table.
Toolbar > Generate PHP Code¶
Click on this icon to let AppGini generate the PHP code for your web database application based on the database, tables and fields you defined in your project. You'll be prompted for a location to save the generated files.
Toolbar > Preferences¶
Click on this icon to open the preferences window, where you can set various AppGini options.
Toolbar > Help¶
Click on this icon to view the online help.
Toolbar > About AppGini¶
Click on this icon to view version and contact information for AppGini
Toolbar > Ideas and tips on our Twitter page¶
Click on this icon to visit (and optionally subscribe to) our Twitter feed, which includes a lot of helpful resources and tips to get the most out of AppGini.
Toolbar > Learn to use Appgini through our YouTube playlist¶
Click on this icon to visit (and optionally subscribe to) our Youtube channel where you can watch many short video tutorials explaining various features of AppGini.
Toolbar > Exit¶
Click on this icon to quit the program. If you have an open project, you'll be asked to save your work first.
Project Browser Window¶
This is the project browser window where you can see a list of the database, table and field names in the current project arranged in a hierarchical view. Click on any item on the window to view and edit its properties in the Properties window.
Table properties > Table view title¶
The table view title is the title of the table as it will appear in the pages of the generated PHP application.
Table properties > Description¶
If you provide a description for the table, this description will be displayed in the home page of the generated application. You can use HTML code in this description.
Table properties > Records per page¶
The number of records that appear on one page in the generated PHP application. Records are displayed as horizontal rows of a table. If you put a large number here, your application user might have to scroll down the page to view records.
Table properties > Show quick search box¶
If you want to display a quick search box above the table view, check this option. When the user enters a word in that search box and clicks the search button or presses Enter key, the table is searched for matches in any field. This is much easier than the advanced filters if you want a simple search technique.
Table properties > Default sort by,Descendingly¶
If you'd like records in the table view sorted by default, select the field that you want to sort by from the 'Default sort by' drop down. The default sorting direction is ascendingly (A-Z, 0-9) unless you check the 'Descendingly' option. If you don't want any default sorting, select 'None' from the 'Default sort by' drop down.
Table properties > Allow sorting¶
This option controls whether users are allowed to sort records in the table or not. Note that this doesn't affect the table in the database, only the query that displays data to the user.
Table properties > Allow filters¶
This option controls whether users are allowed to filter records in the table or not. Note that this doesn't affect the table in the database, only the query that displays data to the user.
Table properties > Allow saving data to CSV files¶
If you check this option, users will see a Save button above the table view that allows them to save data as a CSV file (Comma-Separated values).
Table properties > Allow print-view¶
This option controls whether users are allowed to view the table data as a printer-friendly page.
Table properties > Allow users to save filters¶
If you check this option, users will see a Save button in the filters page. If they click this Save button, they will view some HTML code that they can copy and paste to any external web page. This HTML code creates a button linking users to the filtered table view (without having to redefine filters). TIP: Usually, you would want to allow this option temporarily till all users have determined which preset filters they want to save. Later on, you can disable this option and regenerate the code.
Table properties > Hide link in homepage¶
If checked, this table will not have a link to it in the homepage of the generated application. Usually used with the option 'Hide link in navigation menu' checked as well. This is useful for example if this is a child table and you want users to access it only from its parent table rather than directly through a link.
Table properties > Allow mass delete¶
This option controls whether users who have permission to delete records can delete multiple records at once.
Table properties > Filter before showing table view¶
When this option is checked, users see the filters page first before seeing the table data. This is useful if you want users to search the table and display the search results to them.
Table properties > Hide link in navigation menu¶
If checked, this table will not have a link to it in the navigation menu of the generated application. Usually used with the option 'Hide link in homepage' checked as well. This is useful for example if this is a child table and you want users to access it only from its parent table rather than directly through a link.
Table properties > Show record count in Homepage¶
Check this option to display the count of accessible records of this table in the application homepage.
Table properties > Table group¶
Click this button to open the Table group dialog, where you can group tables for easier navigation.
Table properties > Table template¶
Click this button to open the Table view template dialog, where you can configure layout options of the table view for this table.
Table properties > Detail view title¶
The title of the detail view form. The detail view form is where users can edit and add data to the table.
Table properties > Redirect after insert¶
If you type a web address here, users will be sent to that address after they insert a new record. If you leave this box empty, users will be sent to the table view page. If you add the characters #ID# as part of the web address, they will get replaced by the primary key value of the newly inserted record. For example, these are valid addresses that you can put into the box: thanks.html
Table properties > Display a link to children records from¶
If you have lookup fields in other tables whose parent table is set to the current table, you'll find them listed here as children tables. If you check any of the children tables listed here, users will see a link to that table displayed in the detail view when a record is selected from the current (parent) table. This link displays records of the child table related to the current parent record. For example, you may have an artists table, and a songs table. The songs table has an 'Artist' field whose parent table is the artists table. Using this feature, users who select an artist from the artists table will see a 'songs' link in the detail view of the selected artist. Clicking on that songs link, users will see all the songs that belong to the selected artist.
Table properties > Default focus field¶
Specify which field (if any) is focused by default when the user opens the detail view.
Table properties > Enable detail view¶
Use this option to control whether users can see the detail view or not.
Table properties > Allow detail print-view¶
If you check this option, users will see a 'Print preview' button in the detail view when selecting a record. Clicking that button would display a printer-friendly view of the selected record.
Table properties > Hide 'Save As Copy' when editing¶
By default, when a user selects a record for editing, the 'Save As Copy' button is displayed in the detail view so that the user can save a copy of the selected field. Checking this option would disable this behavior and the 'Save As Copy' button won't be displayed.
Table properties > Allow adding new records from Homepage¶
If you check this option, users with insert permission can directly add records to this table from the homepage, without having to navigate to the table and click the Add new button in there.
Table properties > Delete records even if they have children records¶
The default behavior when a user tries to delete a record is that the AppGini-generated code will check to see if this record has one or more child records (records that have lookup fields pointing to the record to be deleted). If one or more children are found, the record is not deleted.
Table properties > Display detail view in a separate page¶
If you check this option, the detail view (the form where users can add or insert records) will be displayed in a separate page instead of below the table view.
Table properties > Keep action buttons visible while scrolling down¶
For long detail view forms, we recommend checking this option so that the action buttons (Save changes, Back, Print preview, Delete, .. etc) are always visible to the user, without having to scroll up/down to find them.
Table properties > Table technical documentation¶
This section is where you can edit and preview the technical documentation of this table. The technical documentation is useful for adding notes and technical descriptions for your project, tables and fields. It's not visible to your app users, but can be viewable in the admin area if the option Show technical documentation page in the admin area under project properties is checked.
Table properties > Edit Technical Documentation¶
Click this button to open the technical documentation editor for this table.
Table properties > Technical documentation preview¶
Here you can see a preview of the technical documentation for this table.
Table properties > Parent/Children settings¶
This feature is enabled only if the current table has children tables. Displays settings for showing the children records in the detail view.
Table properties > Table icon¶
Click this icon to select a new icon for the table. The table icon is displayed in the homepage and the navigation menu of the generated application.
Search box¶
You can use this box to search for a specific table/field by typing its name or part of it then clicking the lens icon. Click it again to move to the next matching table/field.
File menu¶
Includes commands for starting a new project, opening an existing one, importing from an existing MySQL database or a CSV file, and saving current project.
Tables menu¶
Includes commands for adding and deleting tables and fields from the current project.
Project menu¶
Includes commands for generating the web application, and for changing the application theme.
Add-ons menu¶
Open this menu to see a list of available AppGini add-ons and plugins that can enhance your project and add more functions to it.
Help menu¶
Includes various help resources
Copies the selected table or field to the clipboard
Pastes a copy of the field or table in the clipboard to the project
Toggle Highlight¶
Marks/unmarks the current table or field with a yellow background for easily returning to it later on.
Activate/deactivate help for toolbar icons¶
Click this icon to switch to help mode where clicking any icon would show its help rather than execute its action. Click again to switch to normal mode.